UK's Top Boston 2016 & UK's Top Puppy 2016
Blanco is the only Boston to win the Group in the UK for more than ten years and he has started 2017 off with a bang, winning the very first CC & BOB
Good luck & best wishes to Liz & Blanco for the rest of the year
Owned by Liz Rankin
Winning the Utility Group Paignton 2016
Best Puppy in Breed & RCC Winner Scottish Kennel Club (Judge: Keith Nathan)
Best Puppy in Show (Judge: Tam Nagrecha) and Best Puppy in Breed at Bath CH Show 2016 (Judge: Mr Chris Thomas)
L - Blanco in the Group and R - CC & BOB at 7 months
Liz with Baby Blanco
L - Liz with Blanco at 6 months and R - Liz with Blanco at 5 months
Blanco at 14 weeks and now as an adult